Satellite Communications—Overview

Presenters: Dr Mike Ryan

29 November 2021

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Duration: 1 Day | Price: $770 - $880


Course Aim

This one-day Satellite Communications—Overview course (which is also the first day of our Satellite Communications—Intermediate and Satellite Communications—Advanced courses) provides attendees with a comprehensive overview of the issues associated with the design and operation of satellite communications systems. Some basic familiarity with communications fundamentals is assumed so prior attendance at our Fundamental of Communications Systems course is recommended. Attendees receive a copy of the presenter’s book Principles of Satellite Communications.

Course Outline

Introduction: Brief history of satellite communications | The space environment | Basic satellite operation | Space & ground segment

Orbits: Types of orbit | Kepler’s laws and choice of orbital parameters | Orbital perturbations | Doppler effect | Effect of orbit height-GEO, MEO, LEO | Satellite launch | Orbital manoeuvring | Footprints and look angles | Solar eclipses | Sun-transit outages

Frequencies: Ranges and Designations | Allocations | Satellite frequency bands | Interference and coordination

Multiple Access Techniques: Frequency-division Multiple Access (FDMA) | Time-division Multiple Access (TDMA) | Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)

Propagation and Antennas: Electromagnetic waves | Transmission path losses | Types of antennas - dipoles / horn antennas / parabolic antennas

Link Budget: Uplink and downlink model | System parameters | Example link budget

Applications: Broadcast satellite service | Fixed satellite service | Mobile satellite service

Course Material