Satellite Communications—Advanced

Presenters: Dr Mike Ryan

29 November – 3 December 2021

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Duration: 5 Days | Price: $3,850 - $4,400


Course Aim

This five-day course (which incorporates our Satellite Communications—Overview and Satellite Communications—Intermediate short courses as the first three days) provides attendees with a detailed understanding of, and practice in, the issues associated with the design and operation of modern satellite communications systems. Some basic familiarity with communications fundamentals is assumed so prior attendance at our Fundamental of Communications Systems course is recommended. Attendees receive a copy of the presenter’s book Principles of Satellite Communications.

Course Outline

Day 1: Satellite Communications—Overview short course

Days 2–3: Satellite Communications—Intermediate short course

Orbit Calculations

Look Angle Calculations

Propagation Calculations

Antenna Calculations

Link Budget Calculations

Individual Link Budget Exercise

Course Material