Function and Performance Specification Development Workshop

Presenters: Dr Mike Ryan

On Request

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Course is by request only
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Duration: 1 Day | Price: $770 - $880


Course Aim

This Function and Performance Specification (FPS) Development Workshop provides groups from within the Australian Defence Organisation with an opportunity to apply systems engineering process the development of an FPS for their project. After a brief review of conceptual design processes and requirements writing, attendees will participate in a series of design exercises that step through relevant activities focused on the development of an FPS for their project.

Course Outline

Introduction: Brief revision of systems, systems engineering, and the role of requirements engineering to the development of an FPS.

Conceptual Design: Define business needs and requirements | Define stakeholder needs and requirements | Define system requirements | Identify stakeholders | Mission, goals, objectives | Validation measures | Context diagram | Conceptual Design tutorial

Writing and Reviewing Requirements: Guidelines for good requirements | Standard requirements templates or boilerplates | Requirements language | Removing ambiguity | Guide for writing requirements | Requirements review tutorial

Requirements Engineering Exercises: The exercises provide participants with practice in the development of an FPS. These exercises are focused on the activities required to get from early business needs to writing the system-level requirements for the target system based on a functional architecture defined by the major systems-engineering products.

Course Material