Capability Life Cycle (CLC)—Program Management

Presenters: Dr Shari Soutberg & Dr Mike Ryan

20-21 May 2021 | 18-19 October 2021

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Duration: 2 Days | Price: $1,540 - $1,760


Course Aim

This course provides an overview of how program management is applied to military capability as part of the Defence Capability Life Cycle (CLC).  Attendees will be shown the different forms of Defence capability and delivery Programs and the practical considerations for their implementation.  This course highlights the important relationship between program management, Defence capability analysis, and engineering methods in defining and delivering joint force outcomes, interoperability, and acquisition and sustainment efficiencies.  The use of key constructs and methods including System of Systems (SoS), Systems Engineering, Mission Engineering, and Enterprise Architecture will be explained particularly for development of CLC Program-level documents including: the Capability Program Directive (CPgD), the Program Operational Concept (POC), and Program Strategy (PS). A guided walkthrough of these artefacts is provided and a number of exercises are introduced to provide attendees practice in their development.

Course Outline

Overview of Programs and Program Management: Purpose and Structure of Programs| Different views of a Program| Different Types of Programs and characteristics | Program Bodies of Knowledge

Brief Revision of Capability Life Cycle (CLC): Overview of the CLC | Philosophy of CLC | Key attributes | Phases of the CLC | CLC Process and key supporting frameworks (e.g. Force Design) | Hierarchy of Defence Guidance | Introduction to the hierarchy of CLC management artefacts (CPgD, PS, PMP, POC, JCNS, PES, IPMP)

Overview of Defence Capability Programs and related constructs: What is a System? | How groups of systems deliver Defence capability: SoS, FoS, PoS | Why have Programs? | Relationship of system groupings to CLC Programs | Programs as a reference for Projects and Products | Managing diverse system development and support efforts as part of a Program

Mission Engineering for Defence Capability Programs: What is Mission Engineering | Application of Mission Engineering to developing a System of Systems (SoS) Program | Joint Force and Integration & Interoperability | Role of Enterprise Architecture

Capability Program Directive (CPgD): How is the CPgD developed? | Explaining the content of the CPgD | Role of CPgD for Programs, Projects, and Products |Exercises for developing a CPgD

Program Operational Concept (POC): Relationship to higher level guidance | Role of POC for Programs, Projects, and Products | Key elements | Exercises for developing a POC

Program Strategy (PS): Relationship to higher level guidance | Role of PS for Programs, Projects, and Products | Key elements | Exercises for developing a PS

Course Material