Capability Life Cycle (CLC)—Introduction

Presenters: Dr Shari Soutberg & Dr Mike Ryan

22-24 March 2021 | 10-12 May 2021 | 5-7 July 2021 | 11-13 October 2021

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Duration: 3 Days | Price: $2,310 - $2,640


Course Aim

This course provides a comprehensive overview of how the Australian Defence Organisation delivers capability through the Defence Capability Life Cycle (CLC). Attendees from Defence, other government agencies, and defence industry can gain an understanding of CLC processes, frameworks, and documents produced, as well as related government and Defence processes.  This course will explain when and how key professional practices are applied across the CLC including systems engineering, program management, project management, product management, financial management, procurement and contracting, integrated logistics support (ILS), risk reduction, assurance and enterprise architecture.  The course also demonstrates the relationships between CLC activities and professional practices which must be managed in order to deliver capability.

Course Outline

Introduction to the Capability Life Cycle (CLC): Overview of the CLC | Key Underpinning Concepts including Fundamental Inputs to Capability (FIC)| Legislative, Regulatory, Policy and Management Context | Behaviours | Defence and Government decision-making

CLC Frameworks and Management Structures: Capability Program Architecture (CPA) |CLC Roles and Relationships |Force Design |Smart Buyer |Contestability | Joint Force Integration | Funding | Industry Engagement

CLC Process: Strategy and Concepts | Risk Mitigation and Requirements Setting | Acquisition | In-Service and Disposal  

Professional Practices implemented in the CLC: Systems Engineering | Project Management | Product Management | Program Management | Enterprise Architecture |Procurement and Contracting | Financial Management including Cost Estimation | Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) | Risk Reduction Methods| Assurance

Relationships between CLC activities and Professional Practices: Interdependencies between CLC activities and professional practices | Role of engineering and technical disciplines in support of the CLC

Introduction to CLC Artefacts: Program Artefacts | Project Artefacts | Product Artefacts

Course Material